
Eat Your Scone, Tina

It's been a while since I shared a recipe for yummy goodness. So, today I give you my friend Ann's recipe for scones. Ann brought a plate of these by the house after Little Man was born and let me tell you--YUM. She was kind enough to share the recipe so without further ado, the quick and easy recipe for Scones a la Ann. Make them for breakfast tomorrow--or put on a pot of coffee and make them now. You won't be sorry. I promise.

Scones a la Ann
2 cups Bisquick (you can use the low-fat version if that's what you have)
1/2 cup quick oats
1/3 cup sugar
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 cup milk (or a little more)
1/3 cup cinnamon chips

Mix and drop in 1-2 teaspoon "globs" on baking stone or cookie sheet. Sprinkle sugar and a few oats on top. Bake 10-12 minutes at 350.

A couple of things about this recipe--
1. Yes, "globs" is a highly technical term used by the finest of chefs.
2. I didn't have cinnamon chips on had when I made them the other day, so I used Craisins instead. Also very yummy. I also used a little more cinnamon than the recipe calls for...
3. Princess Pigtails calls them "stones".

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