
My Dream Job

All my life I've wanted to be a stay-at-home mama. I guess you could say it's my dream job. It's just what I've always wanted to do once I had children. I am certain that it is my calling for this time in my life. I've not been more certain of anything. Although, there are days that are so difficult and frustrating that I question whether I understood correctly!

I've been home full time for almost four years now. I've learned a lot about myself during the last four years. I am proud to be home with my children. I am blessed to have the opportunity and I realize that it is not a possibility nor a desire for every mother. I understand that. For our family it is the right choice at this time and I ask that you respect that.

The same four short years have also given me an education on how society perceives a stay at home parent. It has been very interesting. Many people are supportive and encouraging. I appreciate that. Some are not so supportive or encouraging. Please don't imply that I am some how less empowered or single-handedly setting back women's lib because I am not currently working "outside the home". Or that I am at home with my children because I am for some reason unemployable. Please don't assume that I am able to take on endless volunteer roles. Those assumptions are hurtful. If you don't understand my role right now or know that it wouldn't be the right choice for you, I still ask that you respect it. I am proud to home with my children. I am college educated. I had a professional career prior to children. My life experiences have prepared me to be a mom, an advocate for my children, my family.

Parenting is difficult. Challenging. Extremely rewarding. Heartbreaking. Exhausting. Most parents need more encouragement than they let on. So bring on the stories from the trenches. Bring on the coffee and play dates. Lament about how different it was "back in the day". I love to hear those stories-those experiences enrich me and encourage me. Sharing those moments help me to feel connected and a little less like an island. And these days I desperately need to feel connected to adults, to community. Believe me.

25Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.
Hebrews 10:25

1 comment:

The Nebel's said...

Your doing a WONDERFUL job with your kids! Hang in there!